
It's March 29th 2020. We're several weeks into the world pandemic of the Covid virus.

My attention to the website has been lacking over the last few month’s. Between a change in jobs and getting married my attention has been focused else where.

Now, most of the US has “shelter in place” orders. I am in a state that is following this policy. Covid 19 has impacted everybody, especially those who are self employed, entertainers, and artists. My heart cries for the community.

I have found that I’m one of few that are fortunate to be labeled as an essential work who can work remotely from home. Still, there is stress and concern, not for only myself but for everyone.

I’ll be taking this time to work on what I have here. The website. My photography. My model shots. Its a work in progress that will slowly take time to form into what it will be.

Getting there..

All things take time and much patience. It’s been a long and slow process to build up my site to what I want it to be. There’s still more work to be done, but it’s getting there.

I have added to the work load of the website from modeling images and photography to creating my own line of alternative fashion. I live in the state of Minnesota and come to realize there are not many options for alt wear made locally. There are few vendor booths for such items at the local conventions and fairs. There is also a need for alt items to fit all shapes and sizes.

I was born to create and create I must.


Welcome to my website! Have to say that it’s been quite an experience putting this together. It may not be perfect, but there will always be new development as time goes on.

I’m looking forward to this new experience and the growth that will come with it.

There’s several areas of the website that need to be completed or have more work done. In time I’ll update my ART section, as well create a section to introduce myself better with the goals that I have in mind.